Best Website to Buy Bengali Books, Ananda Publishers All Book List

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blog details: Using the silk generated by his mouth, the silkworm weaves its own cocoon, within which he remains confined. Gradually he finds fulfilment within the cocoon that his spinneret has spun round him. His timid movements slowly disappear for good. With time he develops strong wings that he must spread and fan to reach up to the sky. He then cuts the restraint of the cocoon and flies away. There are moments when it appears that the lifecycle of a silk moth bears a striking resemblance to the human existence. Environment and circumstances in case of Humans serve as the cover of the cocoon. However, some people do not want to be confined. Their objective is to sever the ligament that holds back and break free. Similar to how the cosmic objects aspire to gain unrestrained velocity and unrestricted freedom to disappear in the vastness of the space. But for other folks, it's not always that simple. People frequently become mistrustful because the complicated world restricts them. Or wishes to impose duty with undue affection. Moments, circumstances created by various characters around, different faces seem to pull them back. The sand beneath the feet seem to be removed by an undercurrent. Ananta Vishnu felt really confused in the midst of all of this. He is unsure if he will be able to live up to Mrs. Kar's and Kanakbabu's expectations. Again, how did Ashubabu procure the funds for Golapi? Can his name surface if it ever gets disclosed! Will there be any rifts in Shubjoy and Vidita's marriage life because of him? Is Anantavishnu a deceiver after all? Ananta Vishnu left without giving it a second thought for Its about time to cut the silk threads of confinement. But will the silkworm ultimately be able to split the cocoon and take to the air? Subarna Basu’s Reshamkit is a novel of different taste altogether. If you are interested in buying the book, do access the official website of Ananda, , the best website to buy bengali books, fiction or nonfiction. You can also download ananda publishers all book list from the website to select the titles you wish to read.

keywords: bengali literature

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