RF Arbitration

Category: Academics

blog address: https://www.rf-arbitration.com

blog details: Address: 1 North Bridge Road #16-03 High Street Centre, Singapore 179094 Phone: +6563240060 Description: Dr. Andreas Respondek is an international Chartered Arbitrator and has been based in Singapore for more than 20 years. Dr. Respondek established his practice as International Arbitrator in Singapore in 1998 when arbitration in Singapore was still in its “statu nascendi”. Over the last decade, Singapore has developed into a preferred international venue for arbitration. He has not only witnessed but actively participated in these developments that made Singapore one of the most preferred arbitration venues in the world. Business Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 am to 05:00 pm Keyword: Arbitrator Singapore, Arbitrator, Singapore Arbitrator, SIAC arbitration, International Arbitration Singapore


member since: Feb 29, 2024 | Viewed: 106

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