Understanding the Importance of Security Operations Center

Category: Technology

blog address: https://www.one82.com/

blog details:

Businesses worldwide are aware of the sudden attack on a company’s assets by cyber criminals. They are known to be active more on weekends, holidays, and after hours. It is because the threat response time at this time tends to lag a lot. Therefore, there is a need for a dedicated Security Operations Center California, regardless of the domain or infrastructure size. 

Need for a Security Operations Center (SOC)

SOC uses a combination of the right tools and the right people to build, operate and maintain the security architecture within a company using advanced technologies. The primary function of a SOC is to monitor and protect a company’s IT assets, IPR, personnel data, and business systems. It safeguards brand integrity. 

The responsibilities of a SOC are listed below- 

  • 24/7 Monitoring 

Proactive, around-the-clock monitoring of the organizational network ecosystem regarding threat and incident response. 

  • Threat Intelligence

Threat intelligence helps the SOC team to make the correct decisions in order to prevent an attack and reduce the time taken to discover a threat in action. 

  • Assessment and Compliance Audit

SOCs terms auditing procedures for organizations to securely manage data to protect their interests and privacy. 

Advantages of Having a SOC

A SOC is an irreplaceable part of the overall cybersecurity strategy for an establishment in the present day. A strong SOC ensures continuous network monitoring, consolidated visibility, and better collaboration regarding the IT teams in an organization. Some of the benefits of Security Operations Center are- 

  • Continuous Monitoring and Prevention 
  • Effective Incident Response 
  • Centralized Visibility 
  • Organization-wide Collaboration 
  • Reduction in Cyber Security Costs 
  • Compliance Management 

The Bottom Line:

Organizations might face issues regarding finding skilled talent related to cyber security or retaining them. Also, a strong Security Operations Center California includes investment in plenty of security tools, technologies, and solutions in order to address the vulnerabilities with the digital attack surface continuing to increase as the organization leans towards digitization.

keywords: Security Operations Center California

member since: Mar 24, 2023 | Viewed: 267

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