BMVSS is the largest organization rehabilitating for disabled.

Category: Health

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blog details: Jaipur Foot, BMVSS is the world’s largest organization rehabilitating over 2 million disabled people by providing free artificial limbs and other aids since 1975. BMVSS was registered as a society under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act on March 29, 1975 (vide registration number 261/1974-75). It has its headquarters at Jaipur (India). Since its inception, BMVSS has rehabilitated more than 2 million amputees and polio patients by fitting/providing artificial limbs (Jaipur Foot variety), calipers, and other aids and appliances, mostly in India and also in 27 countries across the world.

keywords: Jaipurfoot ,BMVSS ,limbsfordisabled ,helpforhandicapped ,jaipurfootorg ,artificiallimbs ,ProsthesisLeg ,abovekneeProsthesis

member since: Mar 29, 2023 | Viewed: 149

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